Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reunion @ HOBs Thonglor

More than 1 year that we didn't meet each other since
about my Wedding. We decided to meet up again
at HOBs Thonglor "House of Beers" that is very famous
in Beer and they imported from Germany.
Today, K.Chorpaka "Actress & MC" also join us
so we talked a lot.

This beer costs 240 Baht per bottle!! very expensive
but very tasty also (^^) Its taste like coca-cola a bit.

"Hoegaarden" is very famous and most customers
drink this one. It costs 220 baht... Soft taste...

A bowl of fried... nice dips...

HOBs is recommended House of Beers....
Needed to book before going...

Outside atmosphere... on the ground floor