Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ayutthaya on May 2012

First time to Ayutthaya of Panda-kun. Quite hot
but better than rainning (^^)

I want to visit Ayutthaya to see how our historical building
were broken after big flood last year but they seem to renovate
very quick also.

Inside the Royal Palace in the past

At the Wat Mahathat with the famous buddha head

Still renovating and we could see how different
between old and new one with wall and pagoda!

The destroyed of buddha statue

Temple here also was destroyed...

At the Japanese Village. Nothing here and they have no
such the presenting of the real historical stuffs to feel
the atmosphere of Japanese village.

Tuk Tuk of Ayutthaya, like a frog, isn't it?

The passing way to the town...

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